The Telegram Media Group is a 100% black-owned company that publishes a print and online publication, The Telegram. It was established in April 2021 and is operated and managed by a team with vast experience in journalism and executive management.

The team, collectively, has over 60 years of experience in leadership, media and communications; bringing different perspectives and experiences to The Telegram.

The company has attracted talented and passionate people who produce and support the distribution of the country’s finest news and in-depth reporting. We are unrivalled in our ambition, breadth and independence. All of us at The Telegram, whether we gather news, create exciting content, know that the integrity of our journalism comes first.

The Telegram exists to serve the broader South African society. It exists to enable South Africans to make informed judgments on the issues that affect them day to day.

It is a bold supporter of ethical journalism and transmitter of truth on issues of national development. The Telegram strives at all times to deliver information its readers can trust, information they can use to improve their lives, those of their families and the broader community.

We unashamedly scrutinise the forces that shape society, which we believe is essential to realising the promise of democracy. We are committed to creating and maintaining high editorial standards that will nurture trust that solidify the confidence of our readers and advertisers.


Our journalism is a deliberate resolve to seek solutions to the country’s development problems. This means that our journalists plug in their sensors, scan the multi-faceted spectrum of activities unique to South Africans, and identify areas where change must occur if life has to improve. The ultimate goal of The Telegram is the attainment of higher-quality of life where opportunities for the people are maximised and where socio-economic gains accrue.
Our approach to journalism is to document the conditions within the country so that the larger world can understand them. The Telegram journalists are encouraged to travel to remote areas, interact with the citizens and report back. It also looks at proposed government projects to improve conditions in the country, and analyses whether or not they will be effective.


The objective of The Telegram is to cover the news as impartial as possible.
Our objective is also to treat readers, news sources, advertisers and others fairly and openly, and to be seen to be doing so.
The reputation of The Telegram rests upon such perceptions, and so do the professional reputations of our staff members. Thus, The Telegram’s journalists share an interest in avoiding conflicts of interest or an appearance of a conflict.
Our journalists jealously guard The Telegram’s integrity at all times. Whatever else we contribute; our first duty is to make sure the integrity of The Telegram is not blemished.
In an atmosphere of increasing false news spurred on by the internet and social media; and the growing misgivings about the media in general, we endeavour to connect with our readers with reliable, plausible, current news and opinions.
Our objective is to be comprehensible, candid and buoyant, with the latest news and views, including a great deal of contribution from our readers.
Our articles are, as a rule, in-depth and incisive, thus allowing readers to be better informed.
Our in-depth approach is influenced by our desire to drive and contribute to development, while allowing critical voices to be heard.


Readers of The Telegram are keen on being knowledgeable and have an eagerness for information which emboldens them to pursue and attain better socio-economic gains. Our readers are not only desirous to be in the know, but they are also ambitious, focussed, trendy and brand conscious consumers.
More importantly, they are socially conscious and value their roots and heritage.


Our target readership

Average income
Supergroup 3 – R8913: Supergroup 4 – R19 593: Supergroup 5 – R43 308
Supergroup 3 – 53%: Supergroup 4 – 63%: Supergroup 5 – 68%

Average age
Supergroup 3 – 35: Supergroup 4 – 39: Supergroup 5 – 43

Supergroup 3 – Primary or less 5%, some high school 36%, matric 49%, university/post matric 10%
Supergroup 4 – Primary or less 2%, some high school 46%, matric 46%, university/post matric 32%
Supergroup 5 – Some high school 11%, matric 42%, university/post matric 47%

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