Load-shedding is a constant source of annoyance that can be more irritating than anything we have experienced since 1994 because it leads to economic collapse and increased unemployment. It prevents citizens from functioning effectively in the modern world.
By Themba Khumalo
The ANC-led government has become adept at deception, employing a time-honoured strategy of concealing responsibility or feigning ignorance to throw people off the trail.
The leaders deployed by the organisation’s vultures to head government have reached an unprecedented level of expertise in the art of obfuscation, demonstrating exceptional mastery of the craft. Their behaviour is indicative of dishonest people who, rather than accepting responsibility for their own faults and excesses, frequently rely on obfuscation to conceal them.
Such individuals have a propensity to assign blame to others and use obfuscation as a means of concealment. Since it is impossible to defend a lie with truthful statements, the only way to defend a lie is to use confusing language and additional lies.
As aggrieved witnesses and bullied recipients of the damaging effects of load-shedding, we have become aware of the ANC’s duplicity in this matter. Rather than acknowledging their own inadequacies and inclination to interfere with Eskom’s operations, they have a proclivity to conceal their involvement in such matters.
This then means any or all endeavours to eliminate corruption within Eskom are likely to encounter obstacles in the form of underhanded tactics, intentionally harmful and nasty rumours, and factionalism. This is, I’d like to believe, an obvious fact even to an idiot with one brain cell.
Eskom is a huge failure because we live in a country where bad leadership and lack of responsibility make it impossible for things to work well.
The state-owned power utility has been facing significant challenges in maintaining a consistent power supply since 2007. The issues are multifaceted and include outdated and substandard infrastructure, inadequate management, and a history of corruption spanning several decades, we are told. These factors have contributed to a precarious electricity grid that is unable to meet the energy needs of one of Africa’s biggest economies.
It is frustrating to observe knuckle-dragging imbeciles engaging in the act of blaming one another while a potential catastrophe looms. Daily, we are exposed to a cacophony of partially rehearsed falsehoods and denials. Given the current situation of load-shedding, it is bewildering to witness the persistent reluctance of key stakeholders to rectify their actions and adhere to proper conduct.
As a country, we’re governed by circus idiots who relish slinging mud at each other rather than fixing Eskom’s problems. The more mud they sling, the darker the country becomes.
We have been experiencing the most severe load-shedding in the country’s history since 2022, and experts are warning that the situation may worsen. This, by the way, contradicts former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter’s promise, who upon ascending to the top office, said load-shedding would be significantly reduced by September 2021.
De Ruyter had requested South Africans to tolerate higher levels of load-shedding during eighteen months of extensive maintenance when he took office. However, when the time came, Eskom failed to deliver, and load-shedding has not only increased but has also reached unprecedented levels.
Eskom continues to cite the old power stations as the cause of the growing load-shedding, but there may be additional factors that are contributing to the power company’s difficulties. This gives rise to worries about the true state of affairs at Eskom and why it is deteriorating at such a rapid pace.
If corpses could talk, they would agree that Eskom’s excuse of blaming old power stations for the increase in load-shedding is weak and unconvincing. They would be correct in asserting that Eskom is not honest with the public about its problems and the required remedies.
Unfortunately, it seems that the electricity supply situation will not improve anytime soon. Eskom has had 10 different CEOs in the past decade, and the issues they face are complex and varied, including infrastructure breakdowns, theft, and lack of funding for maintenance and new equipment. While some of these problems may be exaggerated, it is clear that Eskom will require unpopular decisions and a longer time frame to resolve them…not the national whining we have become accustomed to.
Pravin Gordhan and his posse of dimwits must stop complaining about how self-centred Andre De Ruyter is. They hired that arrogant jerk and put their faith in him, so they must shut up and shove their disgusting whimpering where there is a serious lack of sunlight.
The only thing Pravin and his group of irate lickspittles can do that is useful, is to stop talking out of both sides of their mouths and engage in conversations with people who have the ability and motivation to turn Eskom around.
Below is a list of issues that vex Eskom, which I hope our part-time president, the dancing minister of no-electricity, and the other two whiners whose departments are also in charge of Eskom, might find useful. It was compiled by experts for Daily Investor:
- Political interference and a lack of political will to fix Eskom are at the root of the problems.
- Poor employees and a lack of skills at all levels are behind most of the breakdowns and poor maintenance at Eskom’s power plants.
- Eskom defunded its engineering internship programmes which were needed to ensure junior technical staff received the necessary training to be productive. New employees are thrown in at the deep end, which causes problems.
- Little or no action is taken against poor-performing employees. Employees are often on paid suspensions for months when action is taken because of serious misconduct.
- Serious criminality in several of Eskom’s operations created a situation where skilled workers chose to work elsewhere.
- Eskom is cutting the budget for important projects, including maintenance and refurbishments, which will worsen load-shedding.
- Corrupt networks continue to exist at Eskom, with politically connected employees facilitating the corruption.
- Eskom is forced to use suppliers that struggle to deliver equipment for maintenance and upkeep at power stations. It also significantly increases the price of products and services.