Next time you swagger into a dining establishment, poised to savour every delectable morsel, allow yourself a moment to chew over the struggles of those hardworking souls whose very essence is soaked in sorrow. Before you unleash a torrent of fury and hurl verbal daggers at them, take a breath and delve into the unbearable trials they endure, all in the name of satisfying your insatiable appetite. These unsung champions toil ceaselessly, while the money-hungry proprietors revel in their opulence, scarcely batting an eye at anything else.
By Themba Khumalo
Hidden beneath the culinary façade lies a sinister dish, a dark secret that whispers of exploitation and cruelty. It is the untold tale that haunts the menu, a chilling reminder of the shadows that dance behind the scenes.
In the madcap world of the South African fast-food and restaurant industry, waiters, cleaners and childminders often find themselves caught in the crosshairs of unfortunate circumstances. They become unwitting targets for exploitation, manipulation, and deceitful shenanigans.
In a Sunday Times interview in 2019, Michael Bagraim, a Cape Town based labour lawyer spilled the beans that the cases he handled for his clients merely tip the iceberg when it came to the rampant exploitation and flouting of labour laws.
The grumbles of the Federated Hospitality Association of Southern Africa echoed through the air, but alas, their discontent was but a feeble whisper that failed to stir the winds of change. Their words, like scattered puzzle pieces, lacked the persuasive power to sway opinions or ignite any meaningful transformation. It seemed their murmurs were destined to fade into the abyss, leaving no trace of impact in their wake.
In the year 2023, a can of worms opens up, revealing a whole new ballgame of undeniable proof, showing the ugly truth that these sneaky practices are still going strong in an industry known for treating its workers like dirt.

Stories that can evoke anger and repulsion are as numerous as the stars in the night sky. It is no rarity to overhear a cleaner, waiter or restaurant childminder mutter, “I’ve toiled in this restaurant for nearly a year. Each shift is a challenging and relentless exercise, and to add to the difficulty, I have to travel a long and exhausting journey to return home after a demanding and agonizing day of work.”
Accounts of workers being regarded as lowlife individuals beneath the sphere of humanity are sufficient to evoke a sense of uncertainty, prompting one to question the security of entrusting their cherished young ones to the whims of the play centre.
“I was employed as a childminder at a well-known family restaurant. Unexpectedly, I received a phone call from the manager, who displayed a discourteous demeanour, informing me that my services were no longer needed. Unfortunately, I was not provided with any explanation for this decision. This experience left me feeling taken advantage of and disheartened by how I was treated,” said a former childminder who now works at an early education centre.
The insatiable hunger for profit within the restaurant industry seems to be fueled by a powerful and toxic concoction of unfairness and avarice, trapping workers in its destructive and disheartening clutches.
In fast-food establishments, immigrants, whether they possess legal status or not, may derive some comfort from the fact that they receive a modest income, offering a ray of hope for those seeking employment opportunities. Nevertheless, it is important not to be misled by this outward appearance of appreciation, as the working conditions they endure are undeniably exploitative. The meagre remuneration they receive, significantly below the standard wage, falls far short of adequately compensating them for the hardships they face.
Some foreign workers are currently residing in South Africa without proper documentation. Rather than seeing this as a pressing matter to be resolved, the cunning franchises cunningly perceive it as an opportunity for exploitation.
Oh, the audacity!
By employing these individuals without valid documents, they eagerly beckon the surge of the ever-growing phenomenon of illegal migration. A tangled web of intrigue, indeed.

The immigration process is complex and rigorous, requiring careful consideration and understanding. It involves a profound and often pressing search for a more promising future, influenced by the uncertain and difficult circumstances individuals face.
When your country is a hotbed of chaos and peril, you are left with no choice but to seek solace in foreign lands, even if it means bowing to a lower status, facing frosty receptions, or daring to dwell in the shadows of legality. The sheer magnitude of the trials faced by those who journey to South Africa from their troubled homelands is simply mind-boggling.
In the fast-food and restaurant industry of South Africa, there exists a dark underbelly where certain establishments shamelessly exploit the desperation of their employees, especially immigrants. While the average working week for most individuals spans around 40 hours, inclusive of those precious lunch breaks, these particular establishments subject their workers to a gruelling marathon of 80 hours.
Yes, you heard it right – a staggering 80 hours!
And if that was not enough to make your jaw drop, some unfortunate souls are even pushed to the brink of exhaustion, clocking in a mind-boggling 87 hours per week.
Picture this like a vivid painting, where colours dance and blend together in perfect harmony: seven days of relentless toil, double shifts that stretch from dawn till dusk, with no respite in sight. These dedicated souls are shackled to their duties, never granted a moment’s reprieve as the restaurant’s doors swing open from morning till night.
They find themselves in a bind, like a bird with clipped wings, left to fend for themselves in a vast desert, with no helping hand or assistance to meet their transport requirements.
Imagine this scenario: the clock strikes past the ungodly hour of 10:00 PM, and they finally bid farewell to their workplace, only to embark on a dangerous journey that may stretch until the stroke of midnight, hopping from one taxi to another like urban nomads. And let us not forget that a significant portion of these tireless warriors are women, adding an extra layer of vulnerability to this already dangerous situation.
How, pray tell, are they expected to find a fleeting moment to cherish with their loved ones or catch up on some much-needed beauty sleep? It is a conundrum that defies logic and leaves one pondering the cruel whims of fate.

Next time you saunter into a restaurant, ready to indulge in your mouthwatering meal, take a moment to ponder the plight of those tireless souls whose hearts and spirits are drenched in tears. Before you unleash your wrath and hurl expletives at the waiters or any hardworking employee, pause and reflect upon the gruelling trials they endure, all for the sake of your gustatory pleasure. These unsung heroes labour tirelessly, while the profit-driven owners revel in their riches, caring little for anything else.