I cannot fathom why John Steenhuisen insists on carrying himself in such a petulant manner. It begs the question – is it beyond the realm of possibility to request that he elevate his comportment to that befitting an adult rather than continuing to display such unseemly behaviour similar to that of a spoiled brat?
By Themba Khumalo
Every time John Steenhuisen opens his mouth, he bombards us with a never-ending avalanche of immaturity and petulance. It is as though he thinks he is auditioning for a role in a high school drama production rather than leading a political party.
One would think a man in his position would have the basic decency to conduct himself with a modicum of maturity, but it seems too much to ask. Instead of throwing tantrums like a spoiled brat, perhaps Steenhuisen should start acting like the responsible adult he purports to be.
I can hardly contain my exasperation at the ceaseless babble emanating from this pretentious individual masquerading as a proponent of democratic ideals. His insidious fear-mongering and spreading of utter lies only perpetuate resentment and discord among South Africans. Such behaviour is not fit for a sensible man but rather befits a conniving charlatan seeking to sow chaos at every turn.
I wish I could fathom the depths of ignorance and despair plaguing the mind of Steenhuisen, as his comprehension of our nation’s political pulse mirrors the unrefined musings that one may hear from the rear end of a constipated bovine.

It is a lamentable truth that Steenhuisen’s pedestrian perspectives persist within our societal discourse, tarnishing the very fabric of political enlightenment with their baseless rhetoric. One can only hope for a swift renaissance of intellect and reason to crush such woeful misjudgements from our midst.
It is confounding to witness the actions of political figures like Steenhuisen as they incite the populace to fixate on perceived threats to their well-off social standing rather than attending to matters of substance and import, such as economic and social prosperity. Such misguided directives serve only to sow discord and engender animosity, diverting attention from the common good towards a treacherous path of self-serving pursuits.
Indeed, it is far simpler for individuals to demonise others as intolerable foes when their success means one’s own detriment rather than espousing a collective ethos that upholds the greater good of our nation.
I marvel at Steenhuisen’s delusional nature, for he seems utterly incapable of grasping the sentiments of the common folk, particularly in the Western Cape – where, mind you, the DA stands to lose the most. Each misstep is met with a pitiful display of false bravado as if he were impervious to criticism. I cannot help but predict that the upcoming May 29 elections may serve as a harsh reminder of the dire consequences of such reckless folly for the hapless DA.
“Instead of fighting to fix the eight ANC provinces that have been smashed to pieces, the political mercenaries in parties like the Patriotic Alliance, Rise Mzansi, GOOD and the National Coloured Congress are obsessed with trying to break the one DA province that works,” declared Steenhuisen.

It is repulsively common for individuals of Steenhuisen’s ilk to unabashedly propagate fallacies under the guise of factuality, all in a misguided pursuit of peer validation. One can only lament the lack of intellectual rigour and integrity displayed by such characters who flippantly disregard veracity in their eagerness for relevance.
“In this election, we have a binary choice between two different futures: on the one hand, there is a future under the doomsday coalition, and this is a future, mark my words, where South Africa will rapidly descend into chaos. Other countries that have adopted radical economic transformation policies, like Venezuela and Zimbabwe, are not great places to be because wherever those radical policies are applied, they bring hunger, suffering and unemployment. Those who have the means will leave the country, and those who don’t will be trapped in hell under Malema, Zuma and Mashatile,” he further spewed.
One must not be blinded by the swanky facade of Herr Steenhuisen’s pontifications, for beneath his veneer of righteousness lies a manipulative individual bent on stifling dissent and free thought. We must question the motives behind such brazen declarations and challenge the audacity with which he seeks to monopolise political discourse.
The citizens of the Western Cape must not succumb to fear-mongering tactics but instead, demand accountability and transparency from those who claim to represent their best interests. Let it be known that no corner of our nation shall be deemed off-limits to democratic debate and diversity of opinion.
It is imperative to recognise the worrying parallels between Steenhuisen’s rhetoric and that of historical demagogues, as he brazenly paints political opponents as “mercenary parties”, marauders seeking to pillage the treasures of the Western Cape. His words ring with a chilling echo of authoritarian regimes, seeking to stifle dissent and restrict freedom of thought with an iron fist.
The hubris with which he proclaims the province as a sacred enclave for his own beliefs is reminiscent of a tyrant carving out territories for indoctrination, turning a blind eye to the diversity and dynamism that drive progress. We must be vigilant against such divisive language, for it threatens to erode the very foundations of democracy and fracture the fragile unity that sustains our nation.

Steenhuisen is nothing more than a conniving snake oil salesman, peddling his toxic rhetoric about “black and dangerous natives” to the ignorant and easily manipulated. He thrives on exploiting fear and prejudice to boost his ego and influence, preying on the weak-minded and morally bankrupt individuals who flock to him like moths to a flame.
The man has consistently shown an overwhelming narcissism, but he is far from unintelligent. He often says things that sound convincing to some people, even though he is aware they are false and wishes they were not.