In a plot twist that could only be scripted by the most cynical of screenwriters, Prasa executives have come under the spotlight for allegedly funnelling billions into the coffers of a company that was awarded a tender when it was barely out of the womb.

By Themba Khumalo

The rancid odour wafting from the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) is nothing short of nauseating, a putrid decay similar to a week-old carcass left to fester in the sweltering heat, all while being absurdly covered with cheap, cloying perfume.

This is a life-threatening stench, a pungent reminder of a state-owned entity run by a gaggle of corrupt, incompetent fat cats who are so greedy they’d sell their own mothers for a quick buck.

This is not merely an offensive odour; it is a noxious cloud of despair that assaults the senses with the ferocity of a thousand skunks on a rampage; it is a harbinger of disaster, a clear sign that the board of this state-owned catastrophe is so blissfully ignorant, so entrenched in their comfortable little bubble, that they remain entirely unaware of the catastrophic crisis happening right under their noses.

Prasa is embroiled in a scandal that epitomises the very essence of corruption and staggering incompetence. Allegations are swirling that Prasa executives have surreptitiously siphoned billions of taxpayer money into a joint venture that was conveniently registered just one day before they were awarded a multibillion-rand tender.

This is not a mere oversight…it is a flagrant act of treachery against the public trust.

The tender, awarded to the CRIG Maziya Joint Venture on July 21, 2023, runs into billions. This joint venture, is a partnership involving China Railway, China Wuhan Electrification Engineering, and Maziya General Services.

What a shocking twist! A tender of this magnitude, awarded for the planning, design, supply, construction, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of a new and expanded, fully integrated and future-proofed system for a mobile communication-railway redundancy network in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape, is now irrevocably tainted by the noxious fumes of backroom dealings and unscrupulous practices.

The underhanded dealings in these backrooms have shockingly facilitated the exodus of R2.6 billion from the Prasa coffers, allowing it to waltz into an account that, to put it mildly, reeks of impropriety, as it does not even belong to the joint venture that was questionably awarded the contract.

A leaked whistleblower’s report, among other questionable executive decisions, has revealed that six payments, totalling billions, were made despite lack of evidence for any services provided. The report further alleges that the general services company that received these payments did not carry out any work, nor was the contract awarded to this entity.

Furthermore, there were no completion certificates or performance bonds/security from the joint venture to verify these payments, as mandated by the Request for Proposal and the Service Level Agreement.

Can you believe it? R2.6 billion just strolled out of Prasa like it was on a leisurely Sunday walk without even a fatigued whisper of shock from the so-called guardians of fiscal responsibility. You would think a sum like that would incite a frenzy, but for these buffoon board members at Prasa, it was just another day in their farcical little world.

Sifting through the leaked report will throw your mind into a chaotic frenzy, with your thoughts getting sucked into a tornado of confusion and boiling rage.

Allow me to pose the question once more: how, in the realm of sanity, has an eye-watering R2.6 billion been surreptitiously extracted from this entity without igniting a chorus of alarm bells? How did a company, barely out of the cradle and wholly unqualified, manage to secure a mind-boggling R2.6 billion from Prasa? This is far beyond negligence; it is a flagrant act of theft facilitated by a system that appears to be purposefully engineered for rampant pillaging.

The valiant whistleblower has rightly pointed out that this outrageous act of corruption starkly reveals a thoroughly compromised institution, with its procurement policies scandalously undermined by top executives who are allegedly guiding Prasa toward a catastrophic downfall, dysfunction, and irrelevance, all for their own selfish ends.

The message is painfully clear: Prasa is being ruthlessly drained, and those entrusted with its defence are either complicit in this scandal or irredeemably corrupt.

In a response that can only be described as a cacophony of disjointed mumblings, the Prasa board has attempted to deflect the severity of these allegations and being fast asleep on the wheel by touting its support for whistleblowers and its commitment to transparency.

Yet, as they continue to trumpet their dedication to providing safe, efficient, and reliable commuter transportation, one must question the integrity of such claims. This statement is, quite frankly, a farcical insult to the millions of South Africans who rely on Prasa for affordable transport.

How dare they suggest that operations are on track and running smoothly when billions of rands are stolen in broad daylight? It appears the only thing truly on track is the lavish gravy train, propelled by the corrupt hands of people entrusted with the entity’s growth, stability and protection.

The stench of corruption at Prasa is overpowering. We can no longer tolerate these empty assurances and blatant lies. The future of our passenger rail transportation system and the livelihoods of countless citizens depend on a complete and thorough investigation.

Heads must roll, and the culprits responsible for this grand theft must be brought to justice. We need more than just words; we need action. We need to reclaim Prasa from the clutches of corruption and restore it to its rightful purpose: serving the people of South Africa.

I am praying with all I have that the state takes every possible action to ensure the whistleblower gets proper protection. The horrifying realities faced by whistleblowers in this land are enough to chill your very bones and leave you with an unsettling sense of fear.

Also, I hope, with an intensity that cannot be overstated, the Hawks will move with the swiftness that this situation demands.

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