Transnet’s mismanagement, corruption, and crumbling infrastructure have transformed it into a mirror image of Eskom’s disastrous state. However, unlike Eskom, Transnet’s downfall has not gained as much attention. Numerous firms have assessed the economic consequences of South Africa’s poor rail and port performance and agree that Transnet is to all intents and purposes, a repeat of the Eskom disaster in terms of its severity and the extent of the crisis.
By Themba Khumalo
Transnet’s current trajectory is showing alarming similarities to Eskom. The entity is struggling with its infrastructure, experiencing declines in both revenue and volumes. Moreover, it is predicted that it will accumulate more debt in the period ahead.
Furthermore, a considerable number of highly skilled employees left the company as a result of a voluntary severance program. Instead of addressing these issues, the executives at Transnet choose to fabricate fanciful stories that they delude themselves into believing represent progress.

Transnet, once hailed as South Africa’s top logistics and freight company entrusted with the crucial mission of lessening the financial burden of doing business in the country, stimulating economic progress, and guaranteeing a dependable supply chain, has regrettably fallen far short of its intended objectives in recent years.
Despite being expected to provide robust ports, rail networks, and pipeline infrastructure along with efficient operations that adhere to acceptable benchmarks, Transnet has proved to be a massive disappointment.
Contrary to the delusional musings of Transnet’s Acting Chief Executive, her sycophantic followers, and the hollow promises of President Cyril Ramaphosa, it is blatantly evident that this mismanaged state-owned enterprise is careening towards an operational catastrophe. The feeble glimmer of hope sold to us as the “light at the end of the tunnel” is nothing more than a wrecked train hurtling off the tracks.

The government’s Ministry of Public Enterprises and the previous band of clueless executives at Transnet exhibited shocking levels of incompetence in failing to acknowledge the absolute certainty of crises. The events we see now serve as a glaring reminder of the vital need for leaders of organisations to proactively equip themselves with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively navigate through turbulent situations.
It is mind-boggling that none of the idiots took even a fleeting moment to grasp the absolute necessity of entrepreneurial thinking when it comes to reshaping and enhancing the fundamental aspects of the business, like service, processes, and business models, especially in times of crisis.
The recent events have made it painfully clear that Transnet and countless other government entities were caught off guard by the turbulence and unpredictability of our constantly evolving world. The lessons learned from Transnet’s struggle highlight just how crucial it is to possess strategic resilience and adaptability in order to effectively tackle and triumph over the complex challenges that arise in our rapidly changing global environment.

It is frustrating to observe how the current circumstances are exacerbating the already burdened financial situation of the country. Despite the potential export benefits that South Africa could potentially enjoy, it is disheartening to see that these advantages are being thwarted by the precarious state of Transnet. It is high time for a genuinely thorough reassessment and overhaul of this crucial institution, as its inefficiency and instability are hindering the country’s economic growth and potential progress.
Transnet Divisions Ravaged by Corruption and Ineptitude
Transnet, once regarded as a symbol of efficiency and credibility, has shamelessly degenerated into a despicable cesspool of incompetence and corruption. The multiple divisions within this once reputable entity – Transnet Freight Rail (TFR), Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA), Transnet Engineering, Transnet Port Terminals and Transnet Pipelines – have become nothing short of deplorable havens for unscrupulous individuals looking to exploit the system for their personal gain. This disheartening decline in integrity is a stark reminder of the rot that festers beneath the surface of what was once a respectable institution.
The feeble attempt by the organisation’s lickspittle executives to prioritise efficiency and financial stability stands in stark contrast to its real purpose, and has now been exposed as nothing more than a lavish buffet for unethical individuals to gorge themselves on. The disastrous aftermath is undeniable proof of the previous leaders and the government’s utter inability to attain even a shred of success.

I must concede that there was a time, pre-2020, when Transnet was managed by an extraordinarily competent crew who ran the organisation efficiently, resulting in substantial profits. However, the insidious infiltration of political meddling and harmful patronage gradually contaminated Transnet’s very essence, causing complete devastation throughout the group, much like numerous other government-owned enterprises.
The toxic winds of change blew through the company, and talent and vision were replaced by complacency and mediocrity, leaving Transnet adrift in a sea of inefficiency and mismanagement. The once proud institution now grapples with the weight of the government’s undoing.
It is an incontrovertible fact that the recovery of South Africa’s economy is of paramount importance, and Transnet indubitably plays a pivotal role in this process. I, therefore, find it astonishingly reckless for figures like Pravin to engage in frivolous political manoeuvres and unnecessary delays in appointing individuals with the necessary expertise and institutional knowledge, as witnessed in the latest case of Eskom.

We need to remove the ineffective individuals who find child-like joy in celebrating imaginary successes and mediocrity. In their place, appoint competent leaders who will not squander valuable time and resources in search of an elusive solution to Transnet’s problems.