Renowned crime fighter, Xolani Khumalo, was swiftly cut loose by Moja Love after just two seasons of their crime-fighting show, Sizokuthola. However, undeterred, he has discovered a fresh avenue to pursue his mission, which he passionately describes as “fulfilling the divine purpose.”
By Mpho Rantao
The news of Xolani Khumalo, a well-known figure in crime prevention, working with the newly-established Tactical Response Unit (TRU) of the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) after departing from Moja Love following his arrest and murder charges, has generated significant attention on social media.
Khumalo – whose parting of ways with Moja Love, after a partnership spanning 10 moons, was anything but friendly – was among many community members who attended the launch of the Tactical Response Unit (TRU), which was led by the MMC for Public Safety, Mgcini Tshwaku, along with Executive Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda and City Manager Floyd Brink. The event, held at the Moletsane Sports Complex in Soweto last Friday, paraded the newly recruited personnel in the unit’s distinctive uniform.
The event, which took place at the Moletsane Sports Complex in Soweto last Friday, showcased the unit’s newly enlisted members in their unique uniform.
Despite rumours on social media, the spokesperson for the MMC clarified that Khumalo is not employed by TRU in any official capacity. “We will provide further details on this matter in a statement to be released later,” she said.
Khumalo is set to assist the city through his Xolani Khumalo Foundation, despite alleged pressure from Moja Love to shut it down. The channel demanded to know the foundation’s beneficiaries, claiming it was launched on the success of Sizokuthola.
“Tshwaku has responded to my plea. I’ve been advocating for action. We’re dedicated to serving our communities and ensuring their safety,” Khumalo stated, remarking that they would collaborate with other community organizations combatting crime.

Tshwaku also supported the participation of Khumalo’s Foundation and stated that they are collaborating with him due to his successful experience in a drug bust, where Khumalo was part of an undercover unit.
“An undercover unit once accompanied Khumalo to Hillbrow during one of their operations and they successfully came out with drugs. The way that these gentlemen are working, I know that they have stepped on other people’s toes. What has Xolani done? He gave himself to fighting crime,” explained Tshwaku.
Khumalo expressed his gratitude to Tshwaku for reaching out to his foundation.
“It’s a good thing that the government is endorsing us now. We will continue to work … no drug dealer will sleep at home. We will work every day and I will make sure that we eradicate drugs, and guns and elicit goods and expired food from the Pakistani shops.
“People will try to fight with you and intimidate you, but the struggle continues,” Khumalo said.
Tshwaku declared that the new unit would take decisive action against anyone who brandished a firearm at the police or civilians, with a zero-tolerance approach to ensure the safety of the community.
“We are going to fight crime fire by fire. Our people are getting killed daily, and we shall respond. Any criminal pointing a gun at a police officer or community member will be met with a shoot-to-kill approach,” he declared
JMPD spokesperson Superintendent Xolani Fihla said the unit will be responsible for tasks such as maintaining a visible police presence, conducting crime analysis, performing daily searches, and addressing matters concerning abuse and intimate partner violence.
“The unit’s responsibilities extend to handling special operations, including responses to information from the crime-prevention unit, addressing business robberies, hijackings,” said Fihla.